Frequently asked questions

  • JG Broun does not invest or own the potatoes. We grade, store and cut potatoes for our customers. The certification process is overseen by an independent entity.

  • JG Broun offers an additional service of pre-cutting to its customers and re-cool storing if required.

  • The Grading process commences in March/April and continues through to June.

  • The client tracking and labelling system ensures all potatoes are traceable, which allows accurate storage processes. Therefore demand is managed efficiently, to suit the customer.

  • Fungicides are added to the seed line during processing to minimise infection and optimise seed quality.

    Cleanliness is paramount, with all processing equipment being sterilised after each day of processing, or after certain lines.

    JG Broun prides itself on maintaining a clean and sterile environment at all times.

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